Round 6 & 7(final day)
Round 3,4 & 5
Antara kes menarik yang dapat dijadikantatapan pengajaran.
Player hitam tertidur di rumah dan datang lambat mengakibatkan dia kehilangan kira² 20min.
Pairing result for round 6
Antara kes menarik yang dapat dijadikan
Round 1&2
Exclusively public shown ranking for boys under18 after round 2. We decided to make it as 'tatapan umum' because under18 boys comprise of 12 seeded. Wow. Exactly tough games for all rounds and we only choose top 6 to represent the state. However, maybe we will create a supreme surprise for the top 10. The desicion is still in progress. For all the players,play wise,smart and confident.
Pictures in round 1&2. The first day of the tournament.
- The top picture in left corner is Mr.Marzuki playing blitz chess with senior.
- In the left bottom picture you can see two players in serious mood,and seriously I don't know who wins the game. I was too busy.
- Here are part of the under18 girls.